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Liedtexte “01: Englisch Lernen mit Jim Knopf”

Hier findest Du alle Texte zu den Liedern von Englisch lernen mit Jim Knopf (1). Viel Spaß beim Mitsingen!
My Family name is Button. My first name is Jim.
My best friend is Lukas and everyone knows him.
We both live on an island and this is my address:
Number 1, Main Street. That´s easy, I guess.
Everybody needs a name.
Every child, woman and man.
Everybody needs a home
That he can call his own.
It´s just a tiny island in the middle of the sea.
But this is where my friends live and so it´s home to me.
Jim, Lukas, Emma – it´s good to have a name.
And if you haven´t got one, life is not the same.
Everybody needs a name.
Every child, woman and man.
Everybody needs a home
That he can call his own.
What´s your name?
It´s easy, listen:
Give us a J – J.
Give us a I – I .
Give us an M – M.
My name is Jim!
Jim Button.
Everybody needs a name.
Every child, woman and man.
Everybody needs a home
That he can call his
That he can call his
That he can call his own.
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You need money to buy a coat.
You need a lot of money to buy a car,
And even more money to buy a boat!
You need money to ride on a train.
A little bit of money to buy a book.
You need money to fly to Spain.                    
Money – dollars.
Money – euros.
Money – pounds.
Money – pesetas.
Money – yen.
Money – rupees.
Money – pesos.
Money – lis.
Money can´t buy you everything.
It can´t buy you love and happiness.
But money can buy you lots of things,
I guess – well, yes.
Cos´ you need money to buy a radio.
You need money to rent a flat.
You need money for clothes and jewellery.
You need money to feed the cat.
But you don´t need money to breathe the air.
You don´t need money to go for a walk.
You don´t need money to sing this sing.
You don´t need money to think and talk.
Money can´t buy you everything.
But money makes the world go round!
 —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — –
Welcome. Please take a seat....
Would you like to try this meat?
Cockroach steak with chicken feet?                         
Or perhaps some roasted snails,
Mixed with squirrel´s tails?
Or chocolate cheese on toasted bees, horse´s hair in banana sauce,
Frogtail soup, cabbage pudding for the second course?
I could also offer you
Caterpiller cream in dead-leaf stew.
Spider´s leg with beetle´s ear,
Baked in oak-tree beer.
Or fishes eyes, earthworm pies, candied bugs with lobster cake,
Tadpole tongue, juicy seaweed with a pinch of snake.
It´s so delicious!
It´s so delicious!
So please take a seat....
You might like for a start
Jellyfish nose in mushroom tart.
Ancient eggs, cactus chips,
Cooked in pumpkin pips.
What you eat is what you are. What you are is what you eat.
There´s so much to discover. So kindly take a seat…
It´s so delicious!
It´s so delicious!
It´s so delicious!
It´s so delicious!
And does you good!
 —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — –
Sometimes when I´m angry
With people who annoy me,
I just start to call them silly things:
Like “Don´t be such a mumbling pig!”
Or “You look like a mouldy fig!”
Or “Fly away, tiny chicken-wings!”
My mother always told me:
Don´t you curse and swear!
Being rude and rowdy
Won´t get you anywhere!
Bad language. Don´t use it, my son!
Bad language. Listen to me:
If you want to curse and swear,
Do it pleasantly.
So to please my Mother
I just think up other
Phrases that don´t really sound so bad,
Like “Who are you, pumpkin head?”
Or “Pillow, just go back to bed!”
Or “You remind me of my hamster´s dad!”
My mother always told me:
Don´t you curse and swear!
Being rude and rowdy
Won´t get you anywhere!
Bad language. Don´t use it, my son!
Bad language. Listen to me:
If you want to curse and swear,
Do it pleasantly.
With humour!
With imagination!
With fantasy!
 —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — –
Welcome, stranger, we´re pleased to meet you!
Welcome, stranger, we´d like to say:
That you´re welcome, stranger, in our country!
Please be our guest – you´re welcome to stay!
Feel free to travel in our country.
Enjoy our way of life.
Find out what we are like:
Our clothes, our habits, our food.
Talk to our people. Learn our language.
Welcome, stranger, we´re pleased to meet you!
Welcome, stranger, we´d like to say:
That you´re welcome, stranger, in our country!
Please be our guest – you´re welcome to stay!
Every country has its own traditions.
Habits and customs, too.
And if you respect our traditions,
We will respect you too.
Then we will say to you:
Welcome, stranger, we´re pleased to meet you!
Welcome, stranger, we´d like to say:
That you´re welcome, stranger, in our country!
Please be our guest – you´re welcome to stay!
Please be our guest – you´re welcome to stay!
 —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — –
Let´s speak English!
Let´s sing English!
Let´s learn English now! (x 2)
Good morning!
Good morning!
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Let´s go!
Let´s go!
Let´s speak English!
Let´s sing English!
Let´s learn English now! (x 2)
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
Please, please!
Please, please!
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Let´s speak English!
Let´s sing English!
Let´s learn English now! (x 2)