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Liedtexte “02: Englisch Lernen mit Jim Knopf”

Hier findest Du alle Texte zu den Liedern von Englisch lernen mit Jim Knopf (2). Viel Spaß beim Mitsingen!
Let´s speak English!
Let´s sing English!
Let´s learn English now! (x 2)
Good morning!
Good morning!
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Let´s go!
Let´s go!
Let´s speak English!
Let´s sing English!
Let´s learn English now! (x 2)
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
Please, please!
Please, please!
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Let´s speak English!
Let´s sing English!
Let´s learn English now! (x 2)
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Excuse me please, can you tell me how to get to the station?
Oh, to the station? of course, it´s quite easy:
Go down the road, for a mile or two, then you come to a crossroads.
Turn to the left, go straight ahead, past the park on the right.
When you get to the lights, turn sharp left, then just go up the hill.
Then down the other side and after the church you come to a roundabout.
Take the second right, go over the bridge, then down the one-way street.
Stop at the end. Look to right. And there´s the station!
I´m sorry. Could you say it again, please ….?
Of course, but I´m in a bit of hurry…Well, no problem:
Go down the road, for a mile or two, then you come to a crossroads.
Turn to the left, go straight ahead, past the park on the right…
I´m sorry. Could you say that again, slowly ….?
Well, alright, but I have to go in a minute…:
Go down the road, for a mile or two, then you come to a crossroads.
Turn to the left, go straight ahead, past the park on the right…
Please, SLOWLY!!
Alright, one more time. But then I really have to go…
Go down the road, for a mile or two, then you come to a crossroads.
Turn to the left, go straight ahead, past the park on the right…
You can´t miss it!
 —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — –
The first day of the week is Monday – Monday!
The second day of the week is Tuesday – Tuesday!
The third day is Wednesday – Wednesday!
The fourth day is Thursday – Thursday!
Then comes Friday – Friday!
Then come Saturday and Sunday – Saturday and Sunday!
On Monday…I go swimming.
On Tuesday…I have piano lessons.
On Wednesday…Football training!
On Thursday....ballet!
On Friday....I go to the cinema.
On Saturday and Sunday… a football match…                                                 
I go dancing!… I visit my Granny!…I just relax!…I read a book…
Yeah, the weekend is the best part of the week!
And a new week begins!
The first day of the week is…? Monday – Monday!
The second day of the week is…? Tuesday – Tuesday!
The third day is Wednesday…? – Wednesday!
The fourth day is Thursday…? – Thursday!
Then comes …? Friday – Friday!
And then…? Saturday and Sunday – Saturday and Sunday!
Those are the days of the week – yeah!
 —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — –
But this song is the best song that I´ve ever heard.
I won´t sing it loud. I could sing it louder.
But we´re going to sing it the loudest of all.
My teacher is nice. My neighbour is nicer.
But my friends are the nicest people of all.
I am strong. My father is stronger.
But my mother is the strongest person I know.
My house is high. The trees are higher.
But the hills are the highest that I´ve ever seen..           
The river is deep. The lake is deeper.
My cousin is old. My father is older.
But my Grandpa is the oldest relation I have.
Patricia is young. Alice is younger.
But Jeanie is the youngest girl in the class.
A pig is slow. A tortoise is slower.
But a snail is the slowest animal I know.
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What do dragons look like? Are they big and strong? Yes!
Do they all have tails? Yes! Are those tails long? Yes!
Do they have small noses? No! Tell me, can they sing? Yes!
Do they eat potatoes? No! Well, that´s interesting!
Do they all breathe fire when they´re in a bad mood? Yes!
Are some of them polite, some of them very rude? Yes!
Are they different colours in different parts of the world? No!
Dragons are the same wherever you go!
What do dragons look like? Do they have green skin? Yes!
Do they have long toe nails? Yes!  Are their bodies thin? No!
Do they roar like lions? Yes!  Tell me, can they fly? Yes!  
Can they swim in water? Yes! Well, so can I!
Do they all breathe fire when they´re in a bad mood? Yes!
Are some of them polite, some of them very rude? Yes!
Are they different colours in different parts of the world? No!
Dragons are the same wherever you go!
Dragons! Dragons! Dragons! Dragons!
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I´m not afraid of pirates, I´m not afraid of the dark.
I don´t mind going out at night or walking through the park.
I´m not afraid of giants, no they don´t bother me.
And every time I meet one, I invite it home to tea!
I´m not afraid of spiders, they´re quiet and they´re small.
I´m not afraid of rattle-snakes, they don´t scare me at all.
I´m not afraid of dragons, well, some of them are shy.
I´m not afraid of vampires, but I can´t tell you why.
A vulture doesn´t scare me, and sharks leave me cold.
Monsters often tell me that I am very bold.
From the wildest mountains to the stormy sea,
I don´t mind a little bit. Nothing frightens me!
Are you afraid of pirates? No, we´re not afraid!
Are you afraid of dragons? No, we´re not afraid!
Are you afraid of dentists? No, we´re not afraid!
Are you afraid of teachers? Aaaaaaah!
We´re not afraid of pirates, we´re not afraid of the dark.
We don´t mind going out at night or walking through the park.
From the wildest mountains to the stormy sea,
I don´t mind a little bit. Nothing frightens me!
From the wildest mountains to the stormy sea,
We don´t mind a little bit. Hey, you´re as bold as me!
We´re not afraid of lions!
We´re not afraid of tigers!
From the wildest mountains to the stormy sea,
We don´t mind a little bit. Nothing frightens me!