Naaz | Video | Words

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Ihr seht das Naaz Video “Words”. Mit “Words” veröffentlicht die 18 Jahre junge Sängerin aus Holland ihre Debütsingle von der EP “Bits Of Naaz”.

Naaz, Lyrics “Words”

The sound waves of your voice
make me swim
through the storm
in a form

I never knew about
it’s so new
just like you
in my life

But yet it feels like I’ve never lived before anything that’s less turned into more everything I’ve loved but couldn’t score all I adore

I’m in love with your words
Will you show me the world?
Through your eyes 'cuz you know
Just the way
to put it on me

I’m in love with your words
Will you show me the world?
Through your eyes ‘cuz you know
Just the way
to put it on me

The way you drive the road
got my feet
running fast
with no despair

’Cuz you make me believe
it could one day be me
over there

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