Arthur Beatrice | Video | Since We Were Kids

Since We Were Kids
Since We Were Kids
Arthur Beatrice
Listen to das Album Keeping The Peace by Arthur Beatrice now

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Die englischen Indie-Rocker von Arthur Beatrice zeigen hier das Video zu ihrer Single “Since We Were Kids”. Was zunächst wie ein Clip mit Schnipseln in außergewöhnlichem Format daher kommt, entpuppt sich beim genaueren Hinsehen als das Video-gewordene Artwork ihres Zweitlings “Keeping The Peace”. Der Clip startet zunächst in schwarz-weiß mit der großartigen Frontfrau Ella Girardot im Fokus. 
Während ihre Stimme im Refrain zu ungeahnten Höhen aufsteigt, rücken erste Farbschnipsel ins Sichtfeld. Nachdem der Song Sekunde um Sekunde mehr an Fahrt aufnimmt, beginnt im Video ein sehenswertes Spiel mit Licht und Schatten. Ella und ihre Jungs Orlando Leopard, Elliot Barnes sowie Hamish Barnes beweisen in ihrem “Since We Were Kids”-Video, dass man mit minimalen Mitteln Maximales erreichen kann. Seht selbst. 

Arthur Beatrice, Lyrics “Since We Were Kids”

One day I hope to see the world
Through another personʼs eyes,
And breathe in everything they think of,
To make sure everythingʼs alright.
To know that everyoneʼs the same,
The most composed are just as lost,
While you may have had it all set out,
You can only work with what youʼve got.
Since we were kids, we were ambitious,
You see it starts like this.
But now you will find me,
Cold but breathing,
Where I was left.
And every time I catch my breath,
I feel my body getting tense,
And when you find thereʼs no design in anything,
Itʼs nothing new, but little help.
When you donʼt feel you know
What it is that you missed,
And the sting of regret,
Is the taste on your lips,
You’ve some way to go,
You move the right way and you know,
You’re finally there,
The search was the thing you were after,
The route was the place,
The questionʼs the answer.

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